F3 – Future of Fish Feed is a collaborative effort between NGOs, researchers, and private partnerships to accelerate and support the scaling of innovative, substitute aquaculture feed ingredients such as bacterial meals, plant-based proteins, algae, and yeast to replace wild-caught fish. The F3 Team welcomes collaboration with governments, NGOs, and companies to attain the goal of sustainable feeds in agriculture and aquaculture, so that our shared future becomes more sustainable.
“Fishmeal alternatives continue to be developed, like algae, bacteria from methane production or microbial proteins from carbon dioxide sequestration. We are trying to turn plant-based ingredients into animal-based ingredients… The trick is to make plant meal behave like fishmeal, not to turn carnivores into herbivores.
Fish do not require fishmeal. They require the nutrients that fishmeal happens to contain. That is why fishmeal has been used so much in aquaculture. If you take the fishmeal out, you must supplement with other ingredients to get the necessary nutrients, hence the need to develop other protein sources. If diets are formulated correctly and contain all essential nutrients, growth rate and feed efficiency will be good.”
Dr. Rick Barrows, F3 Chief Scientific Officer
Aquaculture now provides over 50% of the world’s seafood, and continues to grow. However, aquaculture faces a supply-chain bottleneck – fishmeal and fish oil derived from forage fish to feed farmed fish. Heavy reliance on forage fish threatens food security worldwide as well as the future of ocean wildlife such as seabirds and marine mammals like whales, seals, and dolphins. To feed the ever-increasing global populations and protect the health of our oceans, the aquaculture industry must innovate sustainable fish-free substitutes for fishmeal and fish oil.
Challenges Save Fish!
Fish-Free Feed Challenge (2015-2017)
To sell fish-free aquafeeds using innovative formulations of proteins and lipids.
Winner: Guangdong Evergreen Feed Industry Co.
Impact: 350 million forage fish saved*
*Our assumptions for this calculation are here, with a breakdown of the calculations here.
Fish Oil Challenge (2017-2019)
To create fish oil replacements that contain essential fatty acids in ratios that mimic the average fish oil.
Winner: Veramaris
Impact: 2 billion forage fish saved*
*Our assumptions for this estimate are here, with a breakdown of the calculations here.
F3 Challenge – Carnivore Edition (2019-2022)
To create fish-free feeds for the biggest consumers of forage fish (3 categories): salmonids, shrimp, or other carnivorous species.
Winners: Star Milling Co. (Salmonids – Rainbow Trout), Empagran & Veramaris (Shrimp – Pacific Whiteleg), Jiangsu Fuhai Biotech Co., Ltd. (Other Carnivorous Species – Largemouth Bass)
Honorable Mention: Dainichi Corporation (Other Carnivorous Species – Red Sea Bream)
F3 Challenge – Krill Replacement (2023-Present)
To spark innovation for a more sustainable substitute for krill.
To facilitate networking and collaboration between ingredient suppliers, feed companies, farmers, and investors to accelerate the adoption of fish-free feeds in aquaculture. These meetings give F3 Challenge contestants the opportunity to connect with the rest of the supply chain and showcase their products.
Feed Research and Demonstration Trials
To push the envelope and develop feeds demonstrating substitutes for fishmeal and fish oil succeed in growth and survival. Our focus is the largest-consuming, popular aquacultured species.
- Species: California Yellowtail, Kampachi Yellowtail, Whiteleg Shrimp, Florida Pompano, Largemouth
Bass, Rabbitfish, Rudderfish - Publications in press and review in major aquaculture journals
Feed Innovation Network (FIN)
To encourage sustainable innovations in aquafeeds by sharing experimental protocols, open feed formulas, resources for purchasing and testing ingredients, and access to experts in fish nutrition.
Organizations committed to supporting F3 efforts

Thanks to Anonymous Donors as well!
Past Sponsors

Dr. Kevin Fitzsimmons | University of Arizona | Former President World Aquaculture Society, Aquaculture and Integrated Farming Systems, Aquaculture Extension Specialist, Tilapia Expert, Fullbright Fellow |
Technical Advisory Panel
Dr. Rick Barrows | Aquatic Feed Technologies, USDA/ARS ret. | Nutritionist, Feed and Fish physiology, F3 Chief Scientific Adviser Background, Publications |
Dr. Michael Tlusty | University of Massachusetts Boston | Seafood Sustainability, Research Faculty in Aquaculture, Sustainable Seafood Policy and Management |
Dr. Wendy Sealey | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Research Physiologist |
Dr. Roz Naylor | Stanford University | Food Security and the Environment, Economist |
Dr. Hillary Egna | Oregon State University | Aquaculture and International Development |
Industry Advisory Panel
Dan Chen | Guangdong Evergreen Feed Industry Co., Ltd. | President |
Yuchi Chen | Guangdong Evergreen Feed Industry Co., Ltd. | Vice President |
Karim Kurmaly | Veramaris | CEO |
Chris Oakes | NovoNutrients | Vice President Market and Product Development |
International Advisory Panel
Dr. Ling Cao | Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Stanford University | Sustainable Aquaculture/Policy and Management, China |
Dr. Loc Tran | Nong Lam University, Shrimp Vet Laboratory | Disease Expert, Vietnam |
Coordination & Administration
Kelly Alfrey | Anthropocene Institute | |
Dr. Barbara Page | Anthropocene Institute | |
Alex Driedger | Anthropocene Institute | |
Annie Reisewitz | Strategic Ocean Solutions | F3 Media Liaison |